
Luke 12:24

Main Idea || Only fools focus on gathering earthly treasure at the cost of growing rich in God.

Fill-In Notes:




1. Have you ever struggled with setting your mind & fixing your heart on things above and not on earth?

2. How do you find a balance between tending to the details of this present early life and fixating on God?

  • If you’re willing to talk transparently, do you have any unhealthy fixations in your life that cause your attention to stray from Christ?

3. Author Scout Sauls writes, “Possessing what the world has to offer only becomes problematic when possessing what the world has to offer starts to possess you.”

  • How do you find a balance between pursuing and enjoying success in the world’s eyes and preventing it from becoming your “Precious?”

4. What is it about Jesus that causes you to cherish him as your true and only treasure?