Something big is happening at North Central Church. This summer we have the opportunity to live out our mission–to reproduce disciples in a multiplying church–in a new way that will transform not only our church family and facilities, but our hearts, homes and neighborhoods, too.
Ephesians 2:20 says, “Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.”
With this foundation of faith and heritage, and through the sacrifices of our church family, God has blessed us with the beautiful property and facility that we presently use as a ministry tool. We believe He has purposefully and perfectly positioned us in north central New York to partner with and support the families that surround us.
We sense Him urging us to boldly trust Him and to step out in faith to reach new families through an appealing kids space. Don’t miss this—God always challenges us to a fearless life of faith, not a comfortable life of ease.
Together, with shared sacrifice, we are envisioning and praying for the arrival of new families, more sincere responses to Jesus, more children pouring into our open doors and more hope pouring into more lives.
In response, this June we’ve launched our IN THIS TOGETHER campaign. Over the next three years, through the financial promises received this summer, we will add an attractive addition to our current facility: a massive new tool for expanding, improving and upgrading our ability to reach, retain and develop the next generation of church leaders and their families.
This new kid space will be utilized for Kid Central, enabling us to upgrade and enhance our children’s ministry environment. But God has also given us an outward vision: to reach families in our surrounding neighborhood by meeting the pressing and vital need of before and after school childcare. Our new kid space will be a buzzing, constantly-utilized center of life for our church family and, just as importantly, for the future disciples who have not yet walked through our doors.
This is a big challenge for our church family. It’s a step of bold faith we’re making together. However, our focus is on more than building a new facility–we want to build our faith at the same time. We are inviting you to something special: to take a generosity journey and to watch how God might work in our lives.
As we explore generosity in this month’s blog and sermon series, we’re asking you to participate by having a conversation with God about your own generosity, not by making a contribution for God to someone else’s project.
Ephesians 4:16 says, “He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.”
During this exciting new chapter of our church, may we all be IN THIS TOGETHER, giving our best for what matters most: God’s glory and the expansion of His kingdom!