MAIN IDEA || The Book of Psalms has been designed as a prayer & song book for God’s people as they wait for the arrival of the Messiah and the fulfillment of God’s promises.
Fill-In Notes:
1. So many Christians have a favorite Psalm. Is there any that you can identify or that are special to you in some way?
2. The Psalms have the power to resonate with our deepest human emotions. But God intends to do even more through them. See if you can talk through and grasp this idea together:
It is not so much that the Psalms resonate with us as that they shape us so that we most deeply resonate with the God-given yearnings they so movingly express.
3. Psalms 2 expresses that submission to Jesus brings us joy and rebellion against him ends in destruction. Why do you think it might be so hard for people to believe and submit to Jesus?
12 Submit to God’s royal son, or he will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities— for his anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in him!