Christian theologians use a variety of metaphors to illustrate the various aspects of the gospel, each capturing different dimensions of its meaning and significance.

These metaphors, drawn from various aspects of life-legal, familial, agricultural, military, and more-help convey the multifaceted nature of the gospel and its impact and depth of believers' lives.

Each metaphor offers a different lens through which to understand the richness and depth of what Jesus has accomplished.

1. Justification (courtroom)
2. Adoption (family)
3. Sanctification (refining fire)
4. Victory (warrior King)

Picture This...

Christian theologians use a variety of metaphors to illustrate the various aspects of the gospel, each capturing different dimensions of its meaning and significance.

These metaphors, drawn from various aspects of life-legal, familial, agricultural, military, and more-help convey the multifaceted nature of the gospel and its impact and depth of believers' lives.

Each metaphor offers a different lens through which to understand the richness and depth of what Jesus has accomplished.

1. Justification (courtroom)
2. Adoption (family)
3. Sanctification (refining fire)
4. Victory (warrior King)