We invite all students Grades 7-12 for our large group gatherings on Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm at North Central Church.


Each week we go through a topic that helps us understand our role in the greatest story ever told. We learn more about our hero, Jesus, and the life he has enabled us to live. We use object lessons and creative activities to help engage our different learning styles and personalities.

Get connected by filling out the Student Contact Information form so we can get to know your name and how to be in touch.

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Student Ministry Director

Julio Martinez is our Student Ministry Director. He and his wife, Christina have 3 small children (Luca, Levi & Julian) and have been serving North Central Church since 2019. Julio has a passion to see the hearts of these students filled with the Gospel and is a gifted leader. He is surrounded by a great team of other adult leaders with the same vision.

Follow Julio on IG