
1 John 3:18-19
MAIN IDEA: Most of God’s help tends to come in ordinary means of personal engagement and prayer. 

Fill-In Notes:



1. When have you been blessed by the personal responses of others? In other words, when has someone encouraged you by really listening to and hearing you?

2. One of the shocking revelations of the character of God occurs when, in response to the wavering affections of Israel, the Lord says:

My heart recoils within me; my compassion grows warm and tender. (Hos. 11:8)

a. “Recoils” is not the same as withdraws.

i. It is more that God’s heart is strongly moved and aroused on behalf of his people.

ii.God is moved by his people; we too want to be moved by the pleasures and hardships of those we love.

b. As we think about the fact that God is moved by us, we hope to be even more responsive to others. How might these realities affect how you pray?

3. The movement from knowing others to praying with them face-to-face can be hard.

a. Why might that be?

b. How do you hope to grow in praying with others?