Main Idea || It is when we suffer that we discover what we are really trusting and hoping in: ourselves, or God.
Fill-In Notes:
1. Consider a specific difficulty or hardship you have experienced as a Christian (it may be something you are experiencing right now). Were any of these true for you?
a. It led you to focus, to single-mindedness.
b. It led you to a deeper experience of God’s presence and love.
c. It led you to a greater closeness, a sense of nearness.
d. It helped you sift out the unimportant from the important.
e. It helped focus your attention more on prayer and on what God has done for you.
2. Was there ever an area of suffering or disappointment in your life which you are seeing as punishment from God, instead of God working to bring you closer to him?
3. It is when we suffer that we discover what we are really trusting and hoping in: ourselves, or God. Why do you think that might help us more than our own uninterrupted affluence?