Discover Water Baptism
Baptism is a public testimony of what God has done in your life as a new Christ-follower. It is a symbolic picture of death, burial and resurrection - and your new life!

Why Should I Be Baptized?

When you are baptized, you are obeying Christ’s command in the Bible for all believers and you are telling the world that you’ve submitted to Jesus Christ as the Lord over your life.

Steps to Getting Water Baptized

Step 2: Attend Two Classes

Attend two Water Baptism classes (45 minutes each) for teaching & coaching. You will be notified by the church office of the class dates & time.

Grace Stories
Personal Testimonies

Everyone who chooses to be baptized has the opportunity to share how God's grace was made evident in their life through personal response to the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

If you are willing to share your Grace Story, we will talk through the process at the water baptism class.

Watch Grace Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

Water Baptism

A. To Follow The Example Set By Christ.

"At that time Jesus came from from Nazareth and was baptized by John in the river." ~ Mark 1:9

B. Because Christ Commanded It.

"Jesus said, 'Go then, to all people everywhere and make them my disciple, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and then teach them to obey everything I have commanded you." ~ Matthew 28:19-20

C. It Demonstrates That I Really Am A Believer.

"We know that we have come to know Him, if we obey His commands." ~ I John 2:3

A. It Illuminates Christ's Death, Burial, and Resurrection.

"Christ died for our sins...He was buried...and He rose again." ~ I Corinthians 15:3-4

"For when you were baptized, you were buried with Christ, and in baptism you were also raised with Christ." ~ Colossians 2:12

B. It Illustrates My New Life As A Christian

"When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. The old life has passed away and a new life has begun." ~ Read 2 Corinthians 5:17

C. Baptism Doesn't Make You A Christian.

Only your faith in Christ does that. Baptism is like a wedding ring-it's the outward sign of the commitment you made in your hear. ~ Read Ephesians 2:8-9

A. Because Jesus Was Baptized That Way.

"As soon as Jesus was baptized, He went up out of the water." ~Matthew 3:16

B. Every Baptism In The Bible Was By Immersion.

"...then both Philip and the man went dowwn into the water and Philip baptized him. When they came up out of the water..." ~Acts 8:38-39

C. The Word "Baptize" Means to "Dip Under Water"

D. It Best Symbolizes A Burial & Resurection

Romans 6:1-11 


Every person who has believed in Christ.

A believer is someone who has realized that their sin separates them from God. They have given up all efforts to reach God through good works or religious activity. They have concluded that Jesus Christ's death on the cross for their sins is the only thing that can bridge the gap between them and God. A believer is someone who has decided to trust Christ alone for their salvation. If you have come to that point in your spiritual journey, then you are ready to be baptized."

Acts 2:41; 8:12-13